During the process of a senior buying back a school Chromebook as their own personal Chromebook, the Chromebook is to be deprovisioned by the IT Department and cease being managed by RJUHSD. Read through this article thoroughly if the purchased Chromebook continues to be labeled as "Managed" by RJUHSD.

Why does the Chromebook Continue to Show "Managed By RJUHSD"?

The Chromebook most of the time will be properly deprovisioned from the district's administrative control, however the Chromebook needs to reset it's operating system for the deprovision to fully take effect. Before resetting the Chrome operating system check to ensure the Chromebook is deprovisioned, then continue with the following steps.

Only after checking the following steps and the Chromebook is not deprovisioned email help@rjuhsd.us with the Chromebooks serial number and your information, and ask for the Chromebook to be deprovisioned.

Check if the Chromebook is Deprovisioned

  1. Connect to a network to provide the Chromebook internet access (This can be done via WiFi or Ethernet).     
    Figure 1: Chromebook connected to a network via WiFi
  2. Wait 5 minutes. This gives your Chromebook a chance to receive any updates from the Google admin console.
  3. Click on the "Browse as Guest" option in the bottom left hand corner on the login screen.

    Figure 2: Arrow pointing to "Browse as Guest Option"
    1. If there is no "Browse as Guest" option the Chromebook is still provisioned. Please contact help@rjuhsd.us.
  4. Open the Chrome Browser and input chrome://policy in the address bar
  5. Look at the status at the bottom of the list. It should show "Deprovisioned". Google suggests that you click "Reload Policies" to ensure it is up to date.

    Figure 3: The policy page of the device

Resetting the Chrome Operating System

After the Chromebook is ensured to be deprovisioned simply powerwash the device to reset the operating system. Caution: this will wipe all information on the device currently, but is a crucial step in the process of becoming a personal device.

  1. Simultaneously press ALT + CTRL + Shift + R on the keyboard.
  2. On the screen labelled "Reset this Chromebook" click "powerwash" in the bottom right hand corner.
  3. Click "continue" to confirm the powerwash.
  4. Follow the instructions given to setup the Chromebook as a personal device.