Occasionally you may find your Cast for Education is stuck or locks up. It may gray itself out. Here are some troubleshooting steps to fix it. 

Here's what it will look like:

 You may notice in the bottom left that it says "Bringing Chris Online..." (it will have a different name for everyone E.G. Bringing Eric Online...)

You may also see that the buttons in the upper right corner are grayed out. This is preventing you from unregistering to reset. This common fix is achieved by going:

  1. Settings
  2. "Unregister" (located in the bottom right corner of the pop-up screen

So, if you can't press the settings button, and it's stucking bringing the device online here is another useful tip to try.

  1. Type in the omnibar "Chrome://extensions"
  2. Click on "Details"
  3. Then select "Allow in Incognito"
  4. Once checked, launch the incognito browser. 
  5. Launch the Google Cast for Education in the Incognito browser
  6. It should work, and should help reset the default cast extension in the main browser

If you are still having problems, be sure to try deleting the "Hosted App Data."